1. What is Utah “Basic Speed Law”?  - Basic Speed Law stated that you may never drive faster than is reasonably safe.

  2. What is the speed limit in a school zone?  20 mph

  3. What is the speed limit in residential and business area?  25 mph

  4. What is the minimum speed on a freeway in Utah?   45 mph

  5. What is the speed limit on major highways  - 55 mph

  6. What is the speed limit on rural interstate highways?  65/75 mph

  7. In addition to posted speed limits, the law requires that you slow down
    1.  When approaching and crossing an intersection or railroad crossing
    2. When approaching and going around a curve
    3. When approaching the top of a hill
    4. When traveling upon any narrow or winding road
    5. When special hazards such as people walking beside the road, heavy traffic, or dangerous road conditions exist.
    6. During poor weather conditions, snow, ice, rain, fog, smoke, or dust.
    7. Any time when you cannot see clearly.
    8. In any highway work zones where construction, maintenance, or utility work is being done.
    9. When approaching any authorized vehicle which is flashing red, red and white, or red and blue lights – school bus, ambulance, fire and police.

  8. Is driving below the speed limit legal?  -  Traffic officers are allowed to issue a ticket if you are driving too slowly to the point of interrupting normal flow of traffic and become a source of danger on the road.

9. How long must you signal your intentions to :  2 seconds

  1. Turn right or left?
  2. Before you make any lane change
  3. Any time you pull away from a curb

10. What are the hand signals for (use arrows to demonstrate)

Left turn                                 Right turn                              Slow/Stop


11. What are the six rules for backing

a) Keep your vehicle on the right-hand side of the road
b) Do not back long distances
c)  Make sure the way behind you is clear before you start backing
d) Do not interfere with other traffic on the highway
e) Always turn your head and look to the rear while backing
f) Do not back up on a freeway or interstate

12. What is the law concerning proper use of lane?  -  Whenever you are changing lanes or passing, you must completely exit your current lane of travel and enter the next lane.

13. What are the rules in making Right turns?

a) Make up your mind before you get to the turning point
b) Signal and safely move into the proper lane well in advance of your turn.
c) If you cannot get into the proper lane at least 100 feet before your turn, do not turn.
d) Giving the proper turn signal at least two seconds before reaching the point where you plan to turn
e) Slow down to a reasonable turning speed
f) Make the turn properly, do not cross the yellow line, or drive across an island.

14. How do you make a Left Turn?

a) Before reaching the corner, signal your intention 2 seconds, make a head check to the left and move into the left lane, if it is safe to do so.
b) Start slowing down, and turn on the left turn signal at least 2 seconds before reaching the point where you wish to turn
c) Look to the right and to the left before starting to make your turn
d) Do not start turning until on-coming lanes are clear
e) Enter the street onto which you are turning just to the right of the centerline
f) Do not turn from or enter into the right hand lane
g) Left turns may be made on a highway across double yellow line pavement markings indicating a two direction, no-passing zone.

Left Turn at an Intersection


15. How do you make a Right Turn?


  1. Before reaching the corner, signal your intention at least 2 seconds, make a head check to the right, and move into the right lane.
  2. Start slowing down, and turn on the right turn signal at least two seconds before reaching the corner
  3. Look in both directions before you start to make your turn
  4. Keep as close to the right as possible.

Right Turn

16. How do you turn from a Two-Way Street onto a One-Way Street and from a One-Way Street onto a Two-Way Street?

    Answer:  You may turn left onto a one-way street from a two-way street on a red light after first coming to a complete stop.


17.What are the four points to remember when using a roundabout?


    1. Always yield to the traffic that is already in the roundabout
    2. Roundabouts run counter clockwise, always enter the roundabout to your right
    3. Always yield to pedestrians
    4. Always signal going in and out of a roundabout

What is a Roundabout?

Roundabouts - How do I drive a roundabout?


18. What is a Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI)?

How To Drive through Continuous Flow Intersection

Answer:  CFI is a new approach to intersection design.  Compared to a traditional intersection, it reduces the steps in the light cycle and places left turns along a safer path.  CFI is new to Utah and the first one is located at 3500 South Bangerter Highway in West Valley

a) How do you drive on a CFI?  Proceed as you normally would but watch for another light just past the intersection.  It’s possible to encounter a red light here which allows left turning cars to cross in front of you.

b) How do you make Right turn on a CFI?  Be sure to yield to traffic, cyclists, and pedestrians.  Make your turn, merge with traffic and keep going.

c) How do you make Left turn on a CFI?  Proceed just like a normal intersection, but watch for another light just past the intersection.  You may see a red light here which allows left turning cars to cross in your front of you.

19.What is the procedure for making a two-point turn?

    1. Signal for at least 2 seconds
    2. Complete a head check for traffic and pedestrians
    3. Pull to the left into the driveway
    4. Stop and shift into reverse
    5. Complete a head check for traffic and pedestrians
    6. Turn the steering wheel to the right
    7. Back out of the driveway and into the proper lane
    8. Stop, shift into gear, and move forward

20. What is the procedure for making a three-point turn?


  1. Signal right for at least 2 seconds
  2. Complete a head check for traffic and pedestrians
  3. Pull over to the right side of the roadway
  4. Signal left for at least 2 seconds
  5. Complete a head check for traffic and pedestrians
  6. Pull to the left over the oncoming travel lane
  7. Stop and shift into reverse
  8. Complete a head check for traffic and pedestrians
  9. Turn the wheels to the right and back slowly across the roadway
  10. Stop and shift into forward gear
  11. Complete a head check for traffic and pedestrians
  12. Pull forward into the travel lane


21. What are the laws concerning U-Turns?


    1. You must never make a U-Turn on any curve
    2. Near the top of a hill where you cannot see or be seen from both directions for 500 feet
    3. Where prohibited by an official traffic control device

22. Where can you make a U-Turn?

Answer:  A U-Turn can only be made on a street or highway which is sufficiently wide enough to allow a turn to be made from the left hand lane or just right of the center line or center of the street.

23. What are “Blind Spots”?    Blind spots are the areas around your car you cannot see in your rearview and side mirrors.


24. How do you make a proper lane change?

  1. Glance in your rearview mirrors.  Be certain that no one is preparing to pass you.
  2. Look over your shoulder in the direction you want to move.  Be sure no one is near the left or right rear concerns of your vehicle.
  3. Check quickly.  Do not take your eyes off of the road ahead of you for more than an instant.
  4. Drive defensively by making sure your lane change can be completed safely.  Be aware of the movements of all vehicles around you.
  5. Whenever possible, maintain your speed when changing lanes.  A driver who frequently speeds up or slows down creates a dangerous situation for all drivers on the road.
  6. Try to help those drivers who check only their mirrors when they change lanes.  One way to do that is to avoid driving in their “blind spots”

25. What is the proper way to overtake or pass another vehicle?


  1. Maintain a proper following distance as you approach the vehicle you intend to pass
  2. Give proper signal
  3. Do a head check
  4. Change lanes carefully
  5. After passing and before returning to the proper lane, check your blind spot again
  6. Avoid cutting in too quickly.
  7. Make sure the vehicle you just passed can be seen in your inside rearview mirror
  8. On a highway with two-way traffic, get back to the right-hand side of the road before coming within 200 feet of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction
  9. You must yield the left lane on a multiple lane highway to vehicles approaching you from the rear.

26. What is the “Three-Second-Rule”?   Two second rule means it should take your car at least two seconds to reach the spot that the car ahead of you just passed.


 27. When are the two times that you may pass to the right of another vehicle?

  1. On a two-lane road when the vehicle you are passing is about to turn left
  2. On a highway with at least two lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. 

28. When and where should you not pass another vehicle? 

List at least 11

    1. When approaching or crossing a railroad crossing
    2. When approaching within 100 feet of crossing an intersection
    3. When another car is approaching
    4. Another car which has stopped at a crosswalk
    5. On hills
    6. On curves
    7. When school bus lights are flashing
    8. When approaching any bridge, viaduct or tunnel
    9. Over double yellow lines
    10. When solid yellow line is in your lane
    11. In the two-way left turn lane (shared turn lane)

29. What are the safe ways to merge into traffic?

    1. If you are merging into a lane of traffic, you must yield the right-of-way to all vehicles traveling the continuing lane of traffic and which are close enough to be an immediate threat.
    2. It is against the law to cross over or to drive in the “gore area” in an attempt to merge into traffic.

Freeway Entry & Exit Driving Tip

30. What is a Gore Area? 

    1. The gore area is between the white solid lines of a lane of traffic and a lane used to either enter or exit from that traffic lane. 
    2. The gore area also appear when entering and merging into highways, do not drive across the while solid line, it is illegal to do so.



31. Who have the Right-of-Way in Four Way Intersections?

  1. The driver that arrived at the intersections first
  2. If you arrived at a four-way intersection approximately the same time as vehicles from different directions, the driver on the right have the right-of-way.

32. Who have the right-of-way when turning Left at an Intersection?

    Answer:  If you are in an intersection and want to turn left, you must yield the right of way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction, even when the traffic light is green.

33. What must you do when emergency vehicles, such as police cars, fire engines, ambulances or other emergency vehicles approach using sirens, emergency lights, or other warning devices?


  1. You must yield the right-of-way
  2. Drive at once to the right side of the road and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed

34.How close can you follow a fire truck responding to an alarm?  

  1. 500 feet
  2. You may not drive or park on the same block where the fire vehicle has stopped to answer an alarm.

35. What should you do when approaching a stationary emergency vehicle with flashing lights, including police vehicles?


    1. You must reduce your speed
    2. Provide as much space as practical to the emergency vehicle
    3. If is safe to do so, make a lane change into a lane away from the emergency vehicle.

36.Motor vehicle and Pedestrians, who have the right-of-way at marked and unmarked crosswalk?


  1. If a pedestrian is crossing the street in a “marked” or “unmarked” crosswalk, you must yield the right-of-way to the pedestrian.
  2. You must also yield when a pedestrian approaching from the opposite side of the roadway is close to the center of the roadway.
  3. Any vehicle crossing a sidewalk must yield to all traffic on the sidewalk.

37. What are 5 times you must make a full stop?


    1. At a steady (non-flashing) red light or at a flashing red light.
    2. At all stop signs
    3. At railroad crossings controlled by flashing signals, gates, a watchman, or stop signs.
    4. Stop more than 15 feet (but not more than 50 feet) away from the nearest rail until it is safe to continue
    5. If a school bus is displaying alternating flashing red light signals visible from the front or rear
    6. At the scene of any crash in which you may be involved as a driver.
    7. When a police or other peace officer requests you to stop
    8. You must stop prior to a sidewalk area, or street, when coming onto a street or highway from an alley, private driveway, private road, or from a building

38. When must you not pass a school bus?


  1. When flashing red light signals are visible from the front or rear and you are traveling behind the bus in the same direction
  2. Traveling on a two-lane roadway, traffic in both directions is required to stop
  3. Traveling on a four-lane roadway without a median, traffic in both directions are required to stop
  4. Traveling on a highway having five or more lanes and having a shared center turn lane, it is only required for the vehicle in both lanes behind the school bus to come to a complete stop. 

39. What is the fine for passing a school bus with lights flashing?

Answer:  Fines range from $100 to $500.  Note:  School bus drivers may report vehicles that improperly pass school buses.  The report may be forwarded to the local law enforcement agency for investigation.  Remember; a conviction for passing a school bus illegally usually means an increase in insurance premium.


40. Where are the places you are not allowed to park?


  1. On a sidewalk
  2. In front of a public or private driveway
  3. In an intersection
  4. Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
  5. On a crosswalk
  6. Within 20 feet of crosswalk
  7. Within 30 feet of any flashing beacon, stop sign, yield sign, or traffic control signal
  8. In an area which is posted for pedestrian use or within 30 feet of the edges of that area
  9. On any railroad tracks or within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing
  10. Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station.  Also, if signs are posted, you may not park on the opposite side of the road if you are within 75 feet of the fire station entrance
  11. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping or parking would block traffic
  12. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street (this means that you cannot double park)
  13. On any bridge or other elevated highway structure or in a highway tunnel
  14. At any place where official signs prohibit stopping
  15. On the shoulder of any interstate highway.  These areas may be used only if your vehicle breaks down or you are in physical distress
  16. Red painted curbs or red zones


41. How do you park Up Hill?


  1. Signal right for at least 2 seconds
  2. Right head check
  3. Turn your front wheels away from the curb and let your car rollback so that the front tire touches the curb,
  4. Put the car in park
  5. Set your emergency brake


42.How do you park Up Hill without Curb?


  1. Signal right for at least 2 seconds
  2. Right head check
  3. Turn your front wheels to the right
  4. Put the car in park
  5. Set your emergency brake


43. How do you park Down Hill?



  1. Signal right for at least 2 seconds
  2. Right head check
  3. Pull your car close to the curb
  4. Turn your wheels to the right until it touches the curb
  5. Put the car in park
  6. Set your emergency brake


44. How do you park near a curb?


  1. Signal right for at least 2 seconds
  2. Right head check
  3. Pull up about 12 inches from the curb
  4. Put the car in park
  5. Set your emergency brake

45. How do you parallel park a car?

  1. Signal right for at least 2 seconds
  2. Right head check
  3. Set up your car in parallel to the vehicle in front of the parking space
  4. Head check for traffic before backing
  5. Continuously look over your shoulder for the duration of your backing
  6. Back into the space – no more than three pull-ups
  7. Park your car about 12 inches from curb
  8. Put your in car in park
  9. Set your emergency brake

46.  What is the proper way to back a car?


  1. Signal right for at least 2 seconds
  2. Right head check to pull over to the side of the road
  3. Traffic check in all directions before backing
  4. Look over your shoulder the entire time you are backing
  5. Steer the car in a straight line and at a safe speed
  6. Back the car for about 30 to 40 feet
  7. Your head should be looking over your shoulder till the car come to a complete stop
  8. The stop should be smooth, not sudden and without  jerking
  9. Signal left for 2 seconds
  10. Left head check for traffic
  11. Smoothly merge into traffic when it is safe to do so



47. Where can you not back a car?

a) Never back a car on a freeway

b) When backing a car interfere with traffic


48. What is the penalty for speeding a work zone?

Answer: The courts are required to fine a driver who speeds in a highway construction zone at least twice the amount of the regular fine for speeding.

49. When you travel through a work zone, what are three tips to remember?

  1. Adjust your speed to the road conditions
  2. Adjust your lane position away from workers and equipment
  3. Prepare for the unexpected


50. What are used to protect highway workers and direct drivers safely through work zones or along carefully marked detours?

    1. Signing
    2. Traffic control devices
    3. Roadway markings
    4. Flaggers
    5. Law enforcement officers


51.Why are some road construction carried out at night?

  1. Night work is the better alternative to restricting daytime use of the roadway,
  2.  Primarily to relieve traffic congestion for motorist.


52. In work zone drivers are required to obey who?

  1. Flaggers
  2. Law enforcement  officers

53. What are the most commonly used traffic control devices in work zones?

  1. Signs
  2. Barricades
  3. Drums
  4. Cones
  5. Tubes
  6. Flashing arrow panels
54. The basic color used for most of these devices is orange

Residential and City Driving 16:42