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Your Health and Driving Safety

Driver License Medical Advisory Board
Your Health and Driving
Functional Ability Evaluation Medical Report
Emotional state and driving safety
Hints of unstable emotional state
Effects of alcohol/drugs
Identity Theft

Physical Health Problems and Driving Safety

  1. What provision did the Utah State Legislature made in 1979 to increase highway safety?
  1. What is the duty of the Driver License Medical Advisory Board?
  1. What are the twelve possible health concerns that may affect one’s ability to drive?
  1. Why are driver license applicants asked to answer health-related questions?
  1. How does our emotional state affect our driving?
  1. What are the possible hints of unstable emotional state?
  1. What should you do when you are angry or excited, before driving?
  1. What should you do if you are worried about something?
  1. What do you do if you’re the impatient kind?


  1. What are the effects of alcohol/drugs on one’s ability to drive?
  1. How long does it take alcohol to reach your brain?
  1.  What parts of your brain does alcohol controls
  1. The more alcohol you drink the more difficulty you have in doing what?
  1. How does over the counter drugs may affect one’s driving?
  1. List about six facts about drinking and the use of drugs that can affect your ability to drive
  1. What is the Utah law concerning Identify theft?
  1. What is the penalty for identity theft?
  1. What is the Driver License Division doing about identity theft?
  1. What can you do to protect yourself against identity theft?



Alcohol and Drug Awareness 22:56


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